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Fix It [CLOSED] 30 Days of INCIT. Win up to 30 BP


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

INCIT sucks. We all know it and if you disagree then you’re unfunny and terrible. Sorry, but it’s true. Now, I’m an INCIT fabulous person from way back and in my opinion things weren’t always this bad. If Bruce Springsteen’s celebratory ode to living in the past “Glory Days” has taught me anything, it’s that memories are the best place to dwell.

Another Springsteen song taught me that if you want something fixed you have to throw money at it (I think the song might’ve been “The River” or “Atlantic City” ). That’s why, at tonight at midnight EST, 30 Days of INCIT will start. For 30 straight days those playing INCIT will have the chance to win one BP a day. Not a lot, but there’s no limit to how many BP you can win.*

How do you win? By being FUNNY. BOLD. ITALICS. FUNNY. Also, CREATIVE and CLEVER. I’ll go through the day’s wins in the Hall of **** and pick the one I find funniest and send the winner a BP. The next day it starts all over again and the next day until October 18th (I’m pretty sure that’s 30 days, but I took retard math in high school, so maybe not). If someone kicks major bum, there might even be an E-Peen in it for you.

Is it fair that I’m appointing myself the comedy judge? No, not really, but I’m the one with the BP, so shut the **** up.

Am I a sellout for aiding Crotch Zombie with INCIT/Protivate? Yes, and I’m getting half the profits for all Protivate sales (so far I have to pay them about $44.01 to help cover the developer’s fee).

Am I afraid that I’ll purposefully or inadvertently favor or discount certain players? No, I hate you all.

To help you out, I’ll list some things I find absolutely unfunny in INCIT:

– Any submissions that equates to “WTF????? THIS PIC IZ WEIRD!!!!”

– Any submission that involves a meme.

– Most submissions that have nothing to do with the picture.

– Any submission that is an exact copy of one I’ve seen before. This includes blatantly stealing a previous win (even if it’s your own) or using something that’s been done to death such as “Dear Diary, Jackpot” or something about women needing to be in the kitchen.

– I’m going to try not to favor submissions that reference something I like. That’s not fair and it’s kind of lazy.

In the event that a day yields nothing funny, I will keep my BP for that day. Also, there’s a chance I might be playing a little. I won’t reward myself with a BP, but every win for me is one less chance for you to win.

Hopefully, this contest will get people into the habit of being good INCIT players. I am positive that after the 30 days are over, INCIT’s newfound stability will match that of Iraq’s. Now, get out there, and stop being ****, people! Also, no trolling. Except for me, I can troll. You can’t.

*Technically, the limit is 30.


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

PhineasPoe Posted:

INCIT sucks. We all know it and if you disagree then you’re unfunny and terrible. Sorry, but it’s true. Now, I’m an INCIT fabulous person from way back and in my opinion things weren’t always this bad. If Bruce Springsteen’s celebratory ode to living in the past “Glory Days” has taught me anything, it’s that memories are the best place to dwell.

Another Springsteen song taught me that if you want something fixed you have to throw money at it (I think the song might’ve been “The River” or “Atlantic City” ). That’s why, at tonight at midnight EST, 30 Days of INCIT will start. For 30 straight days those playing INCIT will have the chance to win one BP a day. Not a lot, but there’s no limit to how many BP you can win.*

How do you win? By being FUNNY. BOLD. ITALICS. FUNNY. Also, CREATIVE and CLEVER. I’ll go through the day’s wins in the Hall of **** and pick the one I find funniest and send the winner a BP. The next day it starts all over again and the next day until October 18th (I’m pretty sure that’s 30 days, but I took retard math in high school, so maybe not). If someone kicks major bum, there might even be an E-Peen in it for you.

Is it fair that I’m appointing myself the comedy judge? No, not really, but I’m the one with the BP, so shut the **** up.

Am I a sellout for aiding Crotch Zombie with INCIT/Protivate? Yes, and I’m getting half the profits for all Protivate sales (so far I have to pay them about $44.01 to help cover the developer’s fee).

Am I afraid that I’ll purposefully or inadvertently favor or discount certain players? No, I hate you all.

To help you out, I’ll list some things I find absolutely unfunny in INCIT:

– Any submissions that equates to “WTF????? THIS PIC IZ WEIRD!!!!”

– Any submission that involves a meme.

– Most submissions that have nothing to do with the picture.

– Any submission that is an exact copy of one I’ve seen before. This includes blatantly stealing a previous win (even if it’s your own) or using something that’s been done to death such as “Dear Diary, Jackpot” or something about women needing to be in the kitchen.

– I’m going to try not to favor submissions that reference something I like. That’s not fair and it’s kind of lazy.

In the event that a day yields nothing funny, I will keep my BP for that day. Also, there’s a chance I might be playing a little. I won’t reward myself with a BP, but every win for me is one less chance for you to win.

Hopefully, this contest will get people into the habit of being good INCIT players. I am positive that after the 30 days are over, INCIT’s newfound stability will match that of Iraq’s. Now, get out there, and stop being ****, people! Also, no trolling. Except for me, I can troll. You can’t.

*Technically, the limit is 30.

TOXX fine upstanding member of societys

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

I can think of no better judge. Nice contest idea, good plan.

Generic Foru-
mwarz User

Avatar: Jimmy the Re-Re

Level 24 Re-Re

I'm certainly not a Crotch Zombie admin, if that's what you're thinking.

I’m just a generic Forumwarz user, but I think this is a great idea and I don’t think it’s selling out at all! I’m also sure that, if it’s truly earned, an admin would be happy to bestow an E-Peen™ unto the winner.


Avatar: 146808 2012-12-30 22:05:41 -0500

[Deth Krew 2010]

Level 69 Hacker

Scared of death



Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

Cool contest, entering.


Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

What about the funny entries that no-one votes for because they’re too busy dumpvoting?


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

man-man Posted:

What about the funny entries that no-one votes for because they’re too busy dumpvoting?

Hopefully, this contest will curb dump submissions. You can’t win if you have a ****ty entry. The fewer ****ty entries, the less people are able to dump vote. That’s how I’m hoping it goes at least.

I doubt I’ll do this, but while I’m lurking I might keep an eye on great submissions that lose. Then, if there’s no good winners that day I might give the bp to someone who really tried. That’s harder to keep track of and not fair to people who try when I’m not around, so it probably won’t go that way.


Avatar: 34789 2015-08-06 21:23:09 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 62 Camwhore

I wonder who is the bumbling idiot that still has fake currency on this website and actually spends

Ha this might make me play incit.


Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

Yeah… unavoidable potential problem that.

Well, I’ll try to be funny.


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

Also, just so it’s totally clear there will be no bp awarded for today, September 17th. It’s probably obvious from the OP, but I wanted to make sure.


Avatar: 72902 2010-02-03 18:45:17 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 51 Troll


Nice work. So the contest ends oct 18?


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

Fortunato Posted:

Nice work. So the contest ends oct 18?

Yes. Technically, the last bp will be handed out on the 19th, but the 18th will be the last day where a win can qualify to get a bp.

I doubt this will make me play, I’m just posting my admiration of Phineas Poe and requesting that winning entries be posted ITT. Good luck.


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Posted:

I doubt this will make me play, I’m just posting my admiration of Phineas Poe and requesting that winning entries be posted ITT. Good luck.

They definitely will, probably along with some honorable mentions.


Avatar: 58842 2010-01-24 16:19:10 -0500

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 69 Troll


did somebody say triumphant comebacks?


Avatar: 146808 2012-12-30 22:05:41 -0500

[Deth Krew 2010]

Level 69 Hacker

Scared of death

dobnits Posted:

did somebody say triumphant comebacks?



Avatar: 72902 2010-02-03 18:45:17 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 51 Troll


I can say with confidence that entries are improving even as I type.

Vageena Davis

Avatar: 151797 2010-01-24 16:34:00 -0500

[pizza party]

Level 69 Camwhore

I am easily offended. I also suck fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs.

This is an awesome contest and I approve.

Vageena Davis

Avatar: 151797 2010-01-24 16:34:00 -0500

[pizza party]

Level 69 Camwhore

I am easily offended. I also suck fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs.

PhineasPoe Posted:

They definitely will, probably along with some honorable mentions.

Any chance of posting some terribly unfunny entries that win?

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