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Avatar: 175636 2012-01-01 09:50:12 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 69 Troll

I am the internet equivelent of Jon Stewart! Except less funny...

This is a two-part contest. Yes that is TWO parts not one but TWO amazing parts that make this contest.

PART ONE: Write a poem!!! Obviously poems are needed in poetry competition. Why wouldn’t I want poems in a poetry comeptition that’s just silly. I don’t care where the poem is from until it looks cool. Get a poem, put some words in it, ready. I’m not stingy about what kind of poem you use either; if you do a ballad that’s fine. Trolling is allowed and in fact it’s engouraged troll the hell you like in this contest I don’t care I’ll just downvote the entries I don’t like or make fun of me Log in to see images!. Also you can make as many entries as you like. This contest is going to take a month to do just to let you know I might have decided who has won this contest already but maybe there would be a better poem from someone else I don’t know.

Deadline: 5th of November.

Only 2 Prizes:

Log in to see images! 50bp for the best poem

Log in to see images! 15bp for second best poem

PART THE SECOND: THE NSFW BIT WHERE YOU PUT THE POEM ON THE mammary glands Ok once we have our winner I would like to see mammary glands with the winning poem on it. Nude prefered and female as well just in case bob is reading this and is thinking of entering. Also keep it legal, I was banned for linking to wikipedia because there was “cp” on there (aparrently it would have been fine if I gave a warning) I don’t want people getting banned for posting underage mammaries.

Second part has no prizes because no one would do it even if I did offer BP. I mean there wasn’t any mammary glands the last time there was a “mammary glands4bp” contest so why should this one be any different.

Good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing your poetry!


Avatar: 175636 2012-01-01 09:50:12 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 69 Troll

I am the internet equivelent of Jon Stewart! Except less funny...

SanDyk Posted:

This is a two-part contest. Yes that is TWO parts not one but TWO amazing parts that make this contest.

PART ONE: Write a poem!!! Obviously poems are needed in poetry competition. Why wouldn’t I want poems in a poetry comeptition that’s just silly. I don’t care where the poem is from until it looks cool. Get a poem, put some words in it, ready. I’m not stingy about what kind of poem you use either; if you do a ballad that’s fine. Trolling is allowed and in fact it’s engouraged troll the hell you like in this contest I don’t care I’ll just downvote the entries I don’t like or make fun of me Log in to see images!. Also you can make as many entries as you like. This contest is going to take a month to do just to let you know I might have decided who has won this contest already but maybe there would be a better poem from someone else I don’t know.

Deadline: 5th of November.

Only 2 Prizes:

Log in to see images! 50bp for the best poem

Log in to see images! 15bp for second best poem

PART THE SECOND: THE NSFW BIT WHERE YOU PUT THE POEM ON THE mammary glands Ok once we have our winner I would like to see mammary glands with the winning poem on it. Nude prefered and female as well just in case bob is reading this and is thinking of entering. Also keep it legal, I was banned for linking to wikipedia because there was “cp” on there (aparrently it would have been fine if I gave a warning) I don’t want people getting banned for posting underage mammaries.

Second part has no prizes because no one would do it even if I did offer BP. I mean there wasn’t any mammary glands the last time there was a “mammary glands4bp” contest so why should this one be any different.

Good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing your poetry!

Log in to see images!


Avatar: 175636 2012-01-01 09:50:12 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 69 Troll

I am the internet equivelent of Jon Stewart! Except less funny...

Johnald The Robot Posted:

male reproductive organS IN MY bum

male reproductive organS IN MY bum OH LAWD

male reproductive organS IN MY bum

This was highly voted poem in another poetry contest that didn’t win. I’ll enter this for Johnald as a start to this contest


Avatar: 34789 2015-08-06 21:23:09 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 62 Camwhore

I wonder who is the bumbling idiot that still has fake currency on this website and actually spends

SanDyk Posted:

Log in to see images!

Someone should buy this as an emote.


Avatar: 165234 2015-08-12 01:30:51 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 69 Troll


There once was a man from Nantucket

who never did anything interesting in his entire life.


Avatar: Code (Green)

[Lee Harvey Oswalds-
Orphan Powered De-
ath Machine

Level 61 Hacker

INCIT is like my birthday party but with more people

Kyle: Okay Ike, you’re my little brother, so I have to show you how to celebrate Hanukkah. This is called a ‘Dreidel’. You spin it and see where it lands, and you sing this song..

I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay

And when it’s dry and ready, with dreidel I shall play.

Oh, Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

Kyle: Now you try it Ike. Just spin it with your fingers like this..

[ike sings mini song to the tune]

Cartman: Hey, what the hell are you doing?

Kyle: Oh, hey Cartman.. We’re playing dreidel, you wanna try?

Cartman: Sure!

Cartman: Here’s a little dreidel

That’s small and made of clay

But i’m not gonna play with it

‘Cos dreidel’s ****in’ gay.

Kyle: Hey, Shut your mouth, fatbum!

C: Jews, play stupid games..

Jews, that’s why they’re lame.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame.

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

|| I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

|| With Dreidel I shall play.

Stan: Hey, what’s going on? Oh, it’s that hanukkah thing..

Cartman: It’s soooo amazing! You spin this thing on the ground and it goes round and round, I could watch it all day..

Stan: Let me try..

Stan: I’ll try to make it spin..

It fell, i’ll try again.

|| K: Oh, Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame.

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame!

Sheila: Hello Boys!

Kyle: Hi mom!

Sheila: Oh, how precious! You boys are all playing dreidel.. now you know that dreidel is a time-honoured tradition for the hebrew people.

Cartman: Yes we know, Ms Broflovski, it’s so very insteresting..

Sheila: Now when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

You’ll know, our people always win!

|| Sheila: ‘Cos when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

|| You’ll know, our people always win!

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame!

Kyle: Oh, hi dad!

Gerald: Hello everybody.. say, can I join in?

Kyle: Sure..

K: I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay

And when it’s dry and ready, with dreidel I shall..


|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame.

|| Sheila: Now when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

|| You’ll know, our people always win!

|| Gerald: Courtney Cox, I love you..

|| You’re so hot, on that show..

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame!

|| Sheila: ‘Cos when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

|| You’ll know, our people always win!

|| Gerald: Courtney Cox, I love you..

|| You’re so hot, on that show..

Gerald: Courtney Cox, I love you..

You’re so hot, on that show..

Courtney Cox, I.. uh?

Kyle: Dad, we’re singing about a dreidel.

Gerald: Oh, sorry..

Sheila: We’ll talk about this later, Gerald!

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Dreidel I shall play.

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, i’ll try again.

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that’s why they’re lame.

|| Sheila: Now when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

|| You’ll know, our people always win!

|| Gerald: Courtney Cox, I love you..

|| You’re so hot, on that show..

|| K: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, I made you out of clay

|| Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, with Drei-del-I-shall-plaaaay!

|| Stan: I’ll try to make it spin

|| It fell, I-will-try-a-gaaaiin!

|| C: Jews, play stupid games..

|| Jews, that-is-why-they’re-laaaame!

|| Sheila: ‘Cos when you learn, to make the dreidel spin..

|| You’ll know, our peo-ple-al-ways-wiiiiinn!

|| Gerald: Courtney Cox, I love you..

|| You’re so hot, Court-ney-I-love-yooooou!

Eve Libertine

Avatar: 243783 2010-10-22 05:35:17 -0400

Level 8 Emo Kid


The Picture Of Success

I kept my mouth shut

when you opened another beer

after I begged you not to


I have believably faked

every orgasm you think

you’ve ever given me.


Avatar: 104315 Sat Apr 11 13:02:16 -0400 2009

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 40 Troll

i finally grew a male reproductive organ

sometimes i wish i had

a pet squirrel

and we’d sit on the porch

all day long

eating trail mix.

he’d pick out the m&m’s

and hand them to me

and i’d give him

most of the peanuts.

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

I know I won’t win

Sandyk will just pick Johnald

And I’ll sit and cry


Avatar: Code (Green)

Level 13 Hacker


In the shadows of this nonsense

i post this message to the good sensed.

so that they may help me out

in my desperate times of doubt.

And the trolls continue to troll

but I’ll cut their freakin roll. (no offense meant to anyone…OK a little offense ….fine be offended!!)

Some poetry made up in 1.5 minutes XD

r3t3p edited this message on 04/30/2011 9:46AM


Avatar: Code (Blue)

Level 34 Hacker

“43 4f 44 45 20 4d 41 53 54 45 52”

Pwning forums for creds

But it got me instead

And now I’m dead



Avatar: 175636 2012-01-01 09:50:12 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 69 Troll

I am the internet equivelent of Jon Stewart! Except less funny...

yeah good job on trying to win a contest that I not only forgot but you also try to win it about it’s half a year after the deadline

just to be nice I’m going to sum up the the thread for you:

  • This contest was made as a parody of another ****ty contest
  • I have no intention of giving away the bp (i.e. I’m going to say that Johnald is the winner of first AND second prize) if that wasn’t obvious from that
  • u r dum


Avatar: 175636 2012-01-01 09:50:12 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 69 Troll

I am the internet equivelent of Jon Stewart! Except less funny...

both bp prizes has been sent to Johnald

close contest mods plzkthx


Avatar: 165234 2015-08-12 01:30:51 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 69 Troll


SanDyk Posted:

just to be nice I’m going to sum up the the thread for you:

  • u r dum

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