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Macho The Elite (the b-b-best k-k-klan)


Avatar: Bacteria

[The Elite]

Level 9 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”

The Elite are here. I am the #1 best poster on these forums (official) which makes my klan the best by defalt. at the moment i am considering letting people join. u cannot be the #1 poster on the forums, but i can help u be the #2.

when u gro the balls 2 join just state your reason here like “schildkrote is a huge fabulous person and i hope he will die if I join your clan” or “i am a hardcore troller who is a stone cold KKKiler”

#1 best poster (official)

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Avatar: Turtle Head

Level 2 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

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Avatar: Teen Girl

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”

oh there’s like just you, must be lonely!


Avatar: 2059 Thu Nov 13 08:18:14 -0500 2008

[Team Shortbus]

Level 32 Troll

my only complaint is that you people are happy

shut the **** up fabulous person

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