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Klan Ninja-Pirate-Robot-Zombie with Kung-Fu Grip

This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

We suck on many different levels. Why not suck with us ? We have free pie! And a dead orc. Log in to see images!

Sadly, the only thing we raid is the fridge…and Mom’s closet for pretty things to wear. Log in to see images!

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image Daisy_Sensei Minister of Emo-ness Emo Kid 10 1332892
Image Tao_Tzu Administrator Camwhore 10 1414192
Image Toney Camwhore 7 12769
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