There are many ways to interact both cooperatively and competitively with other Forumwarz players.
Work cooperatively with other players to build new items. The best content (as voted by other players) will be introduced into the Forumwarz universe!
INCIT is a competitive multi-player game where you caption random photos to create "inspirational" posters. Note: INCIT is currently in 'test' mode.
Forumwarz Domination is a weekly gaming challenge built on top of Forumwarz. You can compete against other players in a variety of ways for medals.
The forumbuildr v2.0 BETA is a collaborative tool to build forums in the world of Forumwarz. Every week a new theme is chosen and you can contribute your best ideas to make the forum work.
Once a new forum is built you can play through it for fun and profit!