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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Forumwarz External Utilities

Bamse's Extended Navigation Bar

This is a Greasemonkey script that extends the navigation bar to include tabs for Bruce Bear, the Ppwn Shoppe, INCIT, Domination, Forumbuildr, and the Leaderboards.

Echuus' versions:


Wrong's NewDotMoarFiles

Another Greasemonkey script, which shows on your character's page if you have new .moar files to extract.

Wrong's SuperKosherCrazyCareers

This script sorts the jobs available at the Job Board, so you can pick up the jobs that either awards the most flezz or the most job points. You can also filter out the jobs that are on your streak, so that you only see the forums that help you improve your streak.

quangntenemy's Streak Marker

This script will list the sensitivity and special attack data for each forum beside their names, and grey out the forum names that are in your streak. You'll need to download the latest version of this script periodically to keep the data up-to-date, as a new forum is added to the community each week.

Neona's Streak Marker

This Greasemonkey script puts a pistachio scoop besides the forum's name to help you keeping a streak.
Warning: The script doesn't work with Nientendö Official Forums due to the presence of an umlaut (ö). As long as the problem is not solved, carefully consider this when planning your streak.

quangntenemy's BidSquid Tubmail Cleanup

This Greasemonkey script allows you to filter out BidSquid's attachment-less tubmails from your inbox, or delete them entirely.

livinskull's Ppwn Shoppe Enhancer

Greasemonkey Script enhancing the ppwn shoppe with some new functions. Primary for selling many equippables or consumables at once

quangntenemy's Episode 3 Moar Labeller

Adds a bumon that shows ID numbers for incomplete moars and highlights Episode 3 only moars.

quangntenemy's INCIT Alarm

Get it here!

Notices the user that voting is about to take place. Never again will you have your **** DQed cause there were only 4 entries so you went to a different tab and missed the round.


Adds a bumon to IDC to make words out of emoticons.

Johnald The Robot's Flamebate Toolbar

Adds some bumons when you make a post so you can easily add bbcode. The script is also easily customisable if you want a paticluar bumon.

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