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Pre-emptive note: I wrote this last night and slept on it. Johnald did not see this post and didn’t know anything about it, nor I his. However, it’s pretty damned obvious the idea was discussed. That said, I think it deserves a serious discussion in CD.
One of the best RPers that this site has seen in recent days has called it quits. Why? Because people are so obsessed with Flamebate being ****, they’re turning it into precisely what they say they don’t want.
Arguably, emohunter was one of the best RP characters in recent days. However, he was overwhemingly met (as most clbum-based RP characters are anymore) with posts along the lines of “shut up” and “go away.”
For all that you guys cry about how ****ty flamebate has become… that there’s no good RP left on the site… have you taken a look in the mirror? Have you seen what you post lately?
95% of the people crying about how ****ty the community has become is simply a part of the problem. Ah, but you’re RP’ing trolls, right? No, you’re being bumholes. There is a way to play a troll persona without being an outright douche to everyone else that wants to RP a different clbum. Alt revealing or posting “stop trying to RP you dumb fabulous person” is a good example of what not to do.
Here’s a good idea of the difference:
NOTE: This links to the RP side of the board. It has at least one NSFW image and now that I’m linking from here, I expect more shock/NSFW to hit the thread shortly.
That said, here’s the link:
AIDS woman's genitals’s post was perfectly (disgustingly) troll appropriate RP -XI-’s was borderline bull**** Skyman747 is not only an alt reveal (which is ****ed up enough), but it’s what most people are calling “Troll RP” these days that really just boils down to being a male reproductive organ. (sorry sky, you know I Log in to see images! you, it was just an easy post to point to)
If you skip everything up to this point, read what comes below, please.
So I propose a modification to ideas put forth by other people. “Civil RP” We’re not going to get a third section of flamebate anytime soon. So I’m hoping we can convert part of the existing RP to a “civil RP” section. Where RP is encouraged and shock/NSFW/in character trolling is allowed. Maybe this is just one board and we use GRP. Maybe we take all of the clbum boards and use those instead.
Now here’s where you all tell me why I’m wrong. Civilly, mind you – this is in CD. spacekadt edited this message on 03/09/2010 3:48PM |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 3:47PM | View spacekadt's Profile | # | ||||||
spacekadt Posted:
I would tell you why you’re wrong but you aren’t wrong.
I think this would make an interesting experiment. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 4:00PM | View Vageena Davis's Profile | # | ||||||
spacekadt Posted:
hello Johnald alt |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 4:11PM | ****ty Family Gu... | # | ||||||
Haven’t we requested a third setting where you can be lax compared to CD but it won’t get spammed and trolled to all hell with **** like in RP?
I mean really it’s not like this is a new idea, and I’m still for it, but the whole leadup is totally new for an older problem that we’ve had ever since the board “split” so to speak |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 4:18PM | View Master_Troll's Profile | # | ||||||
Master_Troll Posted:
That’s the comment I made about a modification of other ideas. With ET back at work, dev time is so incredibly limited these days that this just isn’t a high enough priority (dev wise) to really even request a third part to flamebate (again). So instead, I’m hoping the community will accept the compromise of turning one of the existing forums into what the third part of flamebate would be.
And tbh, I don’t think the board split had anything to do with the problem. The problem is some of the people here. No one wants good roleplay anymore. And before any of you come back with “but there is no good rp” – have you let any of the new RPers get more than a post or two before telling them that they’re **** and should just go away? |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 4:52PM | View spacekadt's Profile | # | ||||||
I’m all for it. Isn’t this similar to what Raepdog was advocating for a loong time ago? |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 4:58PM | View mterek's Profile | # | ||||||
spacekadt Posted:
The board split was pretty much the defining point of when RP turned to “spam goatse, draginz, and other **** on this side” as opposed to, you know, legitimate trolling. To post in CD means you must be completely 100% accountable, when it formerly wasn’t, I recall only GD was like that before the split, and to post in RP nowadays means to have your topic completely ****ted up or ignored.
IMO replace anon forum with the Limboard of RP without complete **** |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:03PM | View Master_Troll's Profile | # | ||||||
So who would police this “Civil RP” and decide whose trolling was fine and in character and who was trolling for real and deserves a ban? I have trouble seeing any way to draw a meaningful line, avoiding both descent back into the abyss or mod tyranny based on whim, phase of moon or who was posting rather than what was said. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:06PM | View Mazzon's Profile | # | ||||||
spacekadt Posted:
QFT Log in to see images!
Good luck with this people. And too bad hog is gone Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:09PM | View valka's Profile | # | ||||||
Mazzon Posted:
I’m not against this, provided it was limited to a single forum and it was always the same mod or two. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:11PM | View Sneaky27's Profile | # | ||||||
What? A haven for an army of alts? This would, simply, be awesome. But wouldn’t this divide it even further? As of now, there’s an obvious line between CD and RP, in fact, there are some people (looking at you, banhammer) who don’t even post in RP anymore. But, without any, yknow, positive reinforcement for roleplaying, it really defeats the purpose of it. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:12PM | View Joseph of Suburb...'s Profile | # | ||||||
This is probably doable. I have to laugh at spacey’s post as part of my “rp” is telling people they are stupid and that they should shut the **** up. I gotta say the whole alt revealing thing is **** and makes stuff suck and it really doesn’t help encourage people who might want to actually role play or whatever, but otherwise I can’t really speak. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:21PM | View Melanin-Enhanced...'s Profile | # | ||||||
spacekadt Posted: |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:25PM | View Skyman747's Profile | # | ||||||
Lee_Harvey_Oswald Posted:
I agree with the point I think LHO is making here. You can be a complete bum as part of your RP character, and that’s how it is. Alt-revealing is breaking the fourth wall of RP, though, and it’s hard to justify how that is of value to the game. The easy solution to this is to make unwanted alt-revealing a bannable offense. The rest, while stupid, is legit because there’s nothing wrong with roleplaying a stupid person. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:27PM | View OrsonScottCard's Profile | # | ||||||
Joseph of Suburbia Posted:
I think the general line of thought is that role-playing is its own reward. It seems to me that role-playing hasn’t gone anywhere, it’s simply become more “meta”. Instead of pretending to be the type of people who troll other sites, many players have taken an active role in trolling Flamebate specifically. You only validate their actions when you make mbumive threads like this one detailing how much harm they’re doing to the community.
Get rid of the Anonymous boards, though. Sure, we’re all more or less anonymous behind our screen names, anyhow, but at least in non-Anonymous threads you are held accountable by the community at large. There’s a huge difference between being an bumhole where everyone can see you and say, “Oh, that bumhole again,” and being an bumhole where nobody aside from the mods can tell who you are. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:27PM | View BobTheSqueakyWea...'s Profile | # | ||||||
BobTheSqueakyWeasel Posted:
Anonymous Posted: |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:32PM | View OrsonScottCard's Profile | # | ||||||
There’s lots of RPing in the Role-playing section, it just so happens that everyone is RPing as a troll. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:32PM | sdgrbbum09 | # | ||||||
OrsonScottCard Posted:
I agree with this.
Spacekadt Posted:
That is what I do. I don’t know if this was directed at me. It probably wasn’t, but that is still pretty well what I do. I try not to do it to anyone who does a good job at rp’ing, but then again i haven’t seen too many of those lately, just people pretending to be npc’s from forumwarz, like literally the closest thing to rp I saw was like people pretending to be the stereotypical emo kids from like that emo forum or whatever. and like in a month maybe like 30 of them will come in and do the same **** that’s just awful quality. How the hell am I supposed to encourage that? Better yet, why would I bother? |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:35PM | View Melanin-Enhanced...'s Profile | # | ||||||
answering a few things and not bothering to quote, because I don’t wanna…
how do we draw the line? what’s trolling? it’s mod tyrrany! – I knew that *if* this thread got a decent response (which it seems that it has), we’d need to further define things. Our task force might just be useful again… but trust that we’ll lay things out as clearly as possible before any rules changes happen. If you really end up hating the way it’s being moderated, there are still all those other RP boards to play around on and continue doing whatever you want to do (within the current rules)
but part of my rp is telling people they suck – that’s well and fine and legitimate. the difference between “janie, you’re a ****ing stupid emo kid and you should just kill yourself” and “**** you’re stupid janie, you should learn to roleplay” are different statements. one is responding to the rp with in character trolling… the second isn’t rp in the slightest. (RIP Biff and Janie Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:41PM | View spacekadt's Profile | # | ||||||
the difference between LHO and normal people roleplaying trolls is that LHO is sincere about his attempts to hate you.
There’s very few “good posters” around due to the new userbase’s inability to mesh with the old userbase, therefore old posters can only really discuss things with old posters. There’s rarely someone in IDC that I don’t recognize that is actually entertaining. They’re lacking something that people from a year or more ago have, for the most part.
This is not exclusive to new users, nor is it a problem in all new users. But it’s evident that somewhere along the line, new users stopped having what old users have. Be it the knowledge that we’re being ironic, or the inability to stylize their posting method, or something. But they don’t have it. |
Posted On: 03/09/2010 5:42PM | View Master_Troll's Profile | # | ||||||