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Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

Wait, wait, wait. I didn’t quite understand this little prank… evidently people are really going for the “BAN ME FOR POSTING PERSONAL INFORMATION” thing, but failing miserably because I’m not that ****ing very special.

PROTIP: None of the personally identifiable information you’ll find about me on the Internet is actually true. Do you REALLY think I’m that stupid?

To be precise, to say Jean and Russell had a son would be the most disgusting form of sodomy. The thought of it is quite gross.

But still, this is as close as you can possibly get to the “Post personal information” attack in FWZ. So with any luck, the following words will hold true:

Enjoy your b&.

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