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Quick fix for the special characters bug: // ==UserScript== // @name Streak Marker // @description Streakmarker v.01 // @include http://* // @include // @include http://* // @include // @include http://* // @include // ==/UserScript== Ajax = unsafeWindow['Ajax']; $ = unsafeWindow['window'].$; $$ = unsafeWindow['window'].$$; var marker = dogreat timesent.createElement("img"); marker.setAttribute("src",""); function processStreak(text) { var tables = $$('table.highlighting') for (var table in tables) { var forums = tables[table].getElementsByTagName('a'); var rtext = text.responseText.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, " "); for (var forum in forums) { if(rtext.indexOf(forums[forum].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, " ")) != -1) { var tmp = marker.cloneNode(true); //forums[forum].insertBefore(tmp); forums[forum].appendChild(tmp); } } } } function addMarkers() { //new Ajax.Request('/bookmarks/streak', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:false, onComplete:function(request) {processStreak(request)}}); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '', onload: function(responseDetails) { processStreak(responseDetails); } }); } if (dogreat timesent.title.indexOf("Domination") != -1) { window.addEventListener("load", function (e) {addMarkers();}, "false"); } else { addMarkers(); } |
Posted On: 02/08/2009 8:38PM | View quantumenergy's Profile | # |