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Current Calendar: July 1776 4: Carli October 1977 5: The Ultimate Warlord November 1984 4: KARR December 1999 31: Neal1231 (I saw the post with 12/31/99 and asked for clarification) September 2009 2: Fie 9: Archmagister Gaenigerus 10: man-man 11: Zehd 14: Phariad 20: Attention Whore 26: marblecake 29: ATHEISM IS ****ING HILARIOUS 30: Windangel October 2009 2: 1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 7: BidSquid 8: JayZJay 9: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 10: CrinkzPipe 11: fine upstanding member of society-male reproductive organ 12: El Saico 13: ChilePepino (Authorized edit; somebody already took the date he guessed) 14: Fran 15: Fingerz 16: Dr Death 17: Plato Shrimp 18: SanDyk 19: Master Troll 20: d4 21: jdwithavengeance 22: ERECTILE_DEATH 23: Techno_Viking 24: Johnny Mac 25: dobnits (who?) 26: An amiable personage 27: Sacra H 28: Cyber Cypher 29: Kate Kusanagi 30: Kid Banhammer 31: Shii November 2009 1: Vageena Davis 2: bumtroNAUGHTy 3: Asuka424 4: mterek 5: Apprentice_Troll 6: Master_Troll 7: Judge-Bot 3000 8: Jalapeno_Bootyhole 9: Skyman747 10: Joseph of Suburbia 11: MC Banhammer 12: wtfmcnuggets 13: Afterthotz 14: -MLF- 15: Melody Leigh 16: Psycho the CIC 17: The God Damn Batman 18: OMG OMG OMG I AM A male reproductive organSUCKING WHORE 19: Aldo_Anything 20: momentumenergy 21: Dolores Haze 22: WoweeZowee 23: Dunatis 24: J H Christ 25: Catt although 26: Bizarro dobnits 27: apocalypse_now 28: Bandaney 29: Steve Dallas 30: Lady Banhammer December 2009 1: MC Banhacker 2: Canada 3: Ricket 4: France 5: Germany 6: Switzerland 7: Kongming 8: Little-Rena 9: TUBSWEETIE 10: ragingwincesthardon 11: Italy 12: quangntenemy 13: spacekadt 14: Zhou Yu 15: Fortunato 16: Japan 17: iSecksMachine 18: Russia 19: Blood So Toxic 20: Greasy Joe 21: Michiyo 22: Shishi 23: scabie 24: Sarcasm Inc 25: King Krimson 26: Somebody 27: tire_fire 28: Sick_Hacker 29: Ack Thbbbt 30: Igor512 31: Chawin January 2010 1: Trolly McTrollerson 2: Lewis Carroll 3: BUNNI_RAPE 4: Vajas 5: msg 6: EvilVonBaronsen 7: bl_nk 8: sankdog 9: lordofawesome 10: HackerOnHacker 11: Shiny Turtle 12: narutard 13: FunJelly8 14: male reproductive organ Tardfart 15: dragonchips 16: WeChall 17: iostiogic 18: United Kingdom 19: United States 20: Finis Valorum <- RELEASE DATE! 21: Chronic-Boy 22: DO NOT BAN SG94 SHE IS ACTUALLY P COOL 23: fat 24: ricketthunderjesus gets you LIGHTNING IN YOUR FIST 25: good post upvoted 26: NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM 27: not a spai 28: Not a spy 29: Velguador 30: nTerra 31: hoosahokie February 2010 1: DiscothequeEnnui 2: KingKloskowski 3: Mister Pugs 4: Gary_Oak 5: Notebooked 6: Mask 7: Essex-Tacy 8: Advocato 9: CaptainDDL 10: UnlimitedTyyppi 12: EvilHom3r 14: SuperMonkeyMan 15: Nikolos 16: leftalon2cry 22: Potilas 28: Snot Match March 2010 3: aksealman 7: 800beloved 10: Luria 15: Bigandtasty 29: Bob_Bobface April 2010 1: AAHZ 10: Hapless Poaster 11: hypert 20: Neo King Ghidorah May 2010 1: Doktor Jojo (Date was originally posted as Judge-Bot 3000, but he was ineligible.) June 2010 12: spongebob-scout (I saw the post with 6/12/2010 and asked for clarification) October 2010 10: StrangeVicious52 November 2010 16: rambell December 2010 15: EmSee Hambanner February 2012 29: ghax December 2012 13: Inertia 21: Cheins Sanchez (If the world isn't gone by then...) November 2017 11: Giant Turd October 2057 16: Lee_Harvey_Oswald (Quite optimistic.) December 9999 31: Russell The One-Eyed Wonder MuscleNicco edited this message on 01/20/2010 4:23PM |
Posted On: 09/01/2009 12:47PM | View Nicco's Profile | # |